The “Scarless”, Vertical Face Lift

For many of us, facial features will begin to descend and flatten over the years due to a number of factors. A loss of bone density, muscular degradation, loss of collagen and skin laxity can contribute to facial features that look less healthy and vibrant. We also talk with many individuals who are unhappy with their inherited facial contours. The good news is whatever the nature of your concern, we can help.

In a face lift consult, Dallas Facial Plastic Surgeon Gregory D. Roberts will discuss other available options to help you achieve your goals, such as a Liquid Face Lift (non-surgical face lift) procedure. These less invasive treatments are viable options for many individuals. Patients who want more significant or enduring results, typically choose either a face lift or mini lift.

The ‘Scarless’, Vertical Face Lift

The signature features of Dr. Roberts’ face lifts are vertical repositioning and ‘scarless’ appearance. A vertical face lift helps avoid the pulled or too-tight look which may accompany other more common face lift techniques. His ‘scarless’ results help you feel confident that you can enjoy your life with your hair pulled back and no makeup if you so choose because incisions are typcially hidden or virtually imperceptible.

During the face lift procedure, after the skin is separated from underlying tissue, Dr. Roberts typically elevates underlying muscles by vertically repositioning the muscles to their more natural, youthful position. Since we age vertically rather than laterally, vertical repositioning of the muscle can result in a more natural rejuvenation of the face. The vertical lift can also provide a nice, aesthetically-pleasing lift and contour of the neck, as well. The vertical lifting gives definition to the jaw line, as well as tightening the neck to restore natural, healthy contours.

In any face lift procedure, after making incisions in the skin, the physician separates the skin from the underlying tissues in order to remove excess skin. Key differences in the ‘scarless’ approach include how the skin is handled, placement of incisions, and how the incisions are opened and closed. These key differences will be discussed below.

But first, we should answer the most obvious question about a scarless face lift. Can we really get a face lift or a neck lift without scars? The truth is incisions must be made to perform a face lift procedure. What is not true is that you must suffer from unsightly scars as a result of having a face lift. The key to a “scarless” face lift lies in series of surgical methods and meticulous precision.

Paper Thin Incisions

After separating the skin from the underlying tissue, the next step in most traditional face lift procedures is to pull the skin back tautly to remove excess skin. This is one of the common reasons for a pulled look. However, with the Vertical Lift, the skin is gently lifted and laid back over the underlying tissue, without stretching the skin. Dr. Roberts does not put skin on tension or stretch it, so it sits passively in the incision line. This technique not only avoids a pulled look, but helps an incision heal almost imperceptibly paper thin.

While taking his time, Dr. Roberts then meticulously removes the excess skin. In closing the incisions, Dr. Roberts uses a fine-suture closure technique. Once again, it is important to Dr. Roberts to take additional time while closing the incisions. In haste, it is not uncommon for scars to be wider, irregular or more noticeable than necessary. Dr. Roberts is precise with his incisions and closures to help incisions become virtually imperceptible.

“Scarless” appearance after 30 days

Placement of the incisions is another important consideration in the overall outcome of your face lift procedure. Dr. Roberts places incisions in more optimal and discrete locations. For instance, in a female face lift, he utilizes post-tragal incisions placed slightly along the inside of the ear to hide the faint line resulting from the incision. He also places incisions along the crease in the back of the ear to hide any post-surgery lines. Dr. Roberts utilizes beveled placement of incisions at the hairline to keep natural hairlines in place. These techniques are important to Dr. Roberts because he wants you to be able to wear your hair in any style you desire with confidence.

Meticulous Attention to Detail

Another subtle touch that Dr. Roberts deploys is to utilize bi-polar cauterization for hemostasis (controlled bleeding) during the procedure. This is the same technique that is employed by neurosurgeons. It helps minimize heat damage to surrounding tissues, which is another way Dr. Roberts takes care to decrease post-procedure swelling for faster recovery.

These processes and techniques can take more time. Nationally, face lift procedures take 2 – 3 hours on average per procedure. Dr. Roberts typically spends 4 – 5 hours per procedure and never performs more than two face lift procedures in a day.

Finally, Dr. Roberts handles the skin of each patient gently, as if it were his own. He is convinced this has a great number of benefits in recovery, as well as helping optimize the outcome of the procedure. For instance, it is not uncommon to have far less bruising and swelling because Dr. Roberts takes care to handle your face with a gentle touch.

In some instances, to help restore natural contours where significant facial degradation or malformities exist, Dr. Roberts may also suggest an implant, such as a chin or cheek implant. An implant can help return three dimensional contours to a face that has flattened over time.

Mini Face Lift

For many plastic surgeons, a mini lift procedure refers to a lift of the skin only. However, Dr. Roberts performs mini lift procedures very similar to his regular face lift procedures. Both emphasize a vertical lift and include, as necessary, repositioning of muscles and tissue to provide more naturally defined lifts. Both include techniques commonly performed in what are known as SMAS face lift techniques.

The S.M.A.S (superficial muscular aponeurtoic system) is a layer of connective tissue and muscle under the skin that contribute to facial expressions. Over time, the SMAS can become lax and sag, contributing to jowls and deepening of the nasolabial folds.

In addition to repositioning the skin, a SMAS face lift repositions the underlying muscle to more adequately correct jowls and skin laxity. This portion of Dr. Roberts’ technique also contributes to a less “pulled” look and longer lasting results than a skin-only facelift.

R-Lift – Complete Facial Rejuvenation

For patients seeking more comprehensive facial rejuvenation, Dr. Roberts may recommend an R-Lifttm, which integrates a “scarless” face lift (or other cosmetic surgery), as well as a liquid face lift and fractional laser resurfacing. An R-Lift blends the three R’s of facial rejuvenation…Repositioning (drooping skin), Revolumizing (flattened facial features) and Repairing (sun damaged skin).

Before & After

All before after pictures are of actual Roberts’ patients.

A Blend of Science and Symmetry

Dr. Roberts puts over 12 years of experience in every face lift procedure. He believes the perfect face lift involves a blend of science and symmetry, and he strives to achieve contours that preserve an individual’s unique, distinctive aura. Dr. Roberts takes great pride and time to help provide natural, healthy contours for each individual patient.

Many patients tell me that people don’t ask them if they had a face lift, but ask what they are doing to look so good. To me, that is the ultimate compliment.

                     …Gregory D. Roberts, M.D.

Dr. Roberts is certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, as well as the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery.

It’s never too late to begin reshaping your future. For a confidential consultation, please email us or call us today at 972-608-0000 and let us help you reveal your natural beauty.

All Before After pictures depicted on page are actual Roberts’ patients unless indicated otherwise. Banner pictures of individuals on this page are typically models (not patients), unless indicated otherwise.

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